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Growth Projects

Is the pressure mounting to grow your business bigger or faster? Is it time to get parts of the business off of your plate, so you have room to breathe as a founder?
In Growth Projects, we work through a series of steps to understand the bigger picture of what’s possible for your business, clarify and stabilize what’s already working, and open up new strategic frontiers.

  • Understanding your business model - articulating the story of your numbers and modeling the financial impact of your decisions before you make them.

  • Re-purposing the “diamonds in the rough” - identifying resources and assets that are already present, and deploying them in more effective ways.

  • Getting activities off your plate - using new systems, delegating to your team, and/or figuring out when it makes sense to hire outside support.

Growth projects are longer term engagements, designed in collaboration with you, to fit the unique needs of your business. The intent of these projects is to support the business in flourishing, and to support you in shifting out of “do-it-all-myself” mode, and into your natural style of leadership.

All growth projects start blooming with a complimentary consultation. Schedule yours here.

“What I enjoy most about working with Jen, is that she really sees what’s unique about me as a CEO. She doesn’t offer one size fits all solutions. Instead she’s open to whatever path is best for my specific style of leadership and vision, which is very validating. She highlights my talents and what energizes me and uses that insight to help me plot the best course for my business. In a world where I’m in service to my team and business, it feels so supportive to have someone like Jen in my corner.”

— Kelley Knight, Modern Mystic Shop

“Jen is such an insightful and inspirational business coach. I came to her with overwhelm and confusion in marketing a new business. She has the ability to deliver clear and concise steps to move forward while providing a intentional energetic space to create motivation, support and momentum! I didn't ever want to get off the calls with her because of her peaceful and inspiring consulting style. Thank you Jen!”

— Emily P., Ignite Life Project & NourishMint Wellness

“I never would have considered connecting with a “business advisor” until I met Jen. Now, I can’t imagine moving forward with any major steps in my business without consulting with her first. Whether I’m looking for guidance in business development, time management skills, refining my expertise or negotiating with a client, I can always count on Jen to offer powerful, grounded advice to support me in the direction I’m looking to move.
Since working with Jen my confidence has increased, I have a new sense of clarity and I find myself taking steps I wouldn’t have felt comfortable taking in the past as a small business owner. I would recommend Jen to anyone looking to take their business to new levels of success!

— Lara Schaefer, Beauty Counter Consultant


getting started: from vision to business


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